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Fake Smile


Template : Qistina Re
others : una & Athirah
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Selasa, 29 Januari 2013 | 5:26 PG | 0 comments

sometimes, or should I say always? people always forget the one who has been by their sides.
they just forget.
I'm not saying someone forget me or any shit. this is a 3rd person of view.
just because they want someone else to remember them, they chose to forget the people in their life.
it'll be easier right?
I mean like you already have someone by your side but you chose someone else.
like tak kenang budi, lupa kulit blablabla.
just because that someone else gave you something that that someone couldn't give and you just went to him/her.
everyone is not perfect. lacks. has a flaw.
so why?
just because that person couldn't give you everything doesn't mean he/she couldn't give you something else.
people just need not to take someone's feeling for granted.
it's always like 'oh dia kawan baik aku, dah kawan sepuluh tahun, mesti dia faham'
'oh dia adik aku, kena la tolak ansur'
and blablabla.
it's always the close person's feeling that you take for granted.
and I guess the ' a man's heart is like the sky. filled with a lot of stars, uncountable, but yet there are still many spaces for others' can't just be used on men.
it's universal.
almost everyone is like that.
doesn't matter when it comes to family, friendships or crush.
sometimes, your someone else might hurt the person who is already by your side.

oh shit, a lot of grammar mistakes.
I won't bother to correct them.